*Up to 10 Hours of Continuing Education

We were so fortunate to have the opportunity to welcome Kay Zastrow, Master Trainer, to join us for our March Staff Meeting on March 12, 2019 and lead us through an introduction to Conscious Discipline.
Below are some of the aha! moments and take-a-ways that staff shared from the training…
Aha! Moments
Children need to first feel safe, then feel loved, before they can truly learn.
Conscious discipline starts with us, as the teachers.
We cannot teach unless we are calm, cool and collected ourselves.
We need to use tools to get ourselves there first, then teach the children to do the same.
We shouldn’t use “DON’T” but instead use “DO” and show/tell the children what they CAN DO.
Eye contact and touch are so important. Without touch we could literally die.
Children seek, crave and NEED connection.
We are a “school family” for so many children!
Making personal commitments each day/week/month/etc. helps keep us on track with being our best selves.
“Love Based Discipline”
You cannot teach what you do not know… we need to strengthen our own personal toolboxes with the seven skills to be able to adapt to all types of challenges.
Classroom Ideas
I Love You RitualsVisual Schedules
Wish You Well Boards
Breathing Techniques- Drain, Bubble, Pretzel
Safe Keeper Box
Welcome Greetings- Greeting Apron
...and remember in those difficult times… be a STAR! Smile, Take a breath And Relax
…oh and Q-TIP! Quit Taking It Personal :)
More Conscious Discipline Resources: www.consciousdiscipline.com
Conscious Discipline Webinars
Conscious Discipline Webinars available by clicking here.
Please click here to view / print the accompanying form to get continuing ed credit
Conscious Discipline Online Learning
There is a 10 hour online training for Conscious Discipline that you may complete at your own pace. Apple Ridge has invested in a group license and ARA will cover the cost of this entire training for you, as long as you complete it within the specified time (1-2 months)!
E-mail Ashley at ashley@appleridgeacademy.com if you are interested in joining the group of teachers who have already decided to take advantage of this opportunity!
This truly is a great opportunity, with a very high value. We are excited about this opportunity to invest in YOU and expand on your knowledge, skills, and teaching abilities to support you as you grow to be the absolute best teacher you can be!