*2 Hours of Continuing Education

As we move forward on this journey together as a team of ECE educators and professionals, we hope that your own WHY will align with ARA’s WHY and that you truly believe in the mission and vision of Apple Ridge Academy. We cannot accomplish our goals as a program without all of us working together towards those goals!
…and to be able to move forward together, there are a few “rules.”
These “rules” come from the ideas in a book called “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon. The story itself was incredibly inspiring and engaging… it wasn’t a typical PD/ self-help book… it really was a STORY!
Here are a few of the “rules”…
#1 Have a Vision and “Drive” with Purpose. Think about ARA’s vision… this is what we are working towards! We want to be the BEST place for children, families, and teachers to be each and every single day. We want to make a difference in the lives we touch, and we want to grow BETTER and STRONGER each and every day. Each of you have your own purpose- think about our “Finding Your WHY” experience. You’re WHY is your purpose. Your WHY will drive your bus towards that vision.
#2 Positive Energy. Without positive energy, our bus won’t move forward. We need to embrace positive thoughts and emotions. Share your enthusiasm and your optimism with others, too, and you can contribute to a positive environment all around! The more positive energy we have as a team, the faster our bus will move forward and the more full our bus will be- as positive energy attracts even more passengers :)
#3 No Bullies or “Energy Vampires” Allowed. Stay strong, stay positive, and don’t let the “bullies” in to your mind. It’s YOUR mind… they don’t belong there anyways. Disregard those with negative energy... negativity really does no one any good. Negative energy or people who diminish the positive energy from our bus are not welcome aboard!
#4 Love Your Passengers. Love each other! Take the time to show each other kindness, share your experiences and ideas, and to support each other. We spend at least 40 hours/week together, that is ALOT of time to make a difference in one another’s lives. We are a team. We are a group of people working towards a common goal and each of us is deserving of this love!
#5 Have Fun. By living out your passions and embracing positivity, you are living a life of greater enjoyment and fulfillment every day. Soak it in. Be present in the moment. Smile. Enjoy the ride!
With that, we invite each of you to jump “on board” our Apple Ridge bus and join us on this incredible “ride!”

Continuing Ed Opportunity
Read the Book "The Energy Bus" by Jon Gordon
Share your "Aha! Moment" from this book
Then write down your interpretation of each of the 10 rules listed in the book and what each means to you, in your personal and/or professional life.
Turn this in to the director along with your bus ticket for 1 hour of continuing ed credit.
We have a few copies of this book and there is also a copy in the Staff Lending Library. Please come see us if you would like to borrow a copy, or you may purchase your own by clicking here.